A message from Fiona Harper and the SJIB

Grading Applications and ECS Health, Safety and Environmental Assessment requests now ‘a priority’ for the SJIB

On Thursday 26 March, I announced that as result of the Coronavirus pandemic, our staff would be working from home.

I explained that because of the lockdown, Grading Applications and requests for ECS Health, Safety and Environmental Assessments were put on hold.

However, with things slowly returning to normal, the team is working hard to restart all processes.

I give you my assurance that as soon as the office re-opens, the SJIB will resume processing grading applications and requests for assessments as a matter of urgency.

In the meantime, if you have a query please phone 0131 445 9216 or, preferably, please email us at:

I will continue to keep you updated on any developments and will advise you as soon as the SJIB re-opens.

Stay safe,

Fiona Harper,
The Secretary of the SJIB