A message to SELECT Members from President Kevin Griffin

Dear Member,

Although I’m currently President of SELECT, it’s a voluntary role just like all Central Board members, and my real day job is no different from yours.

Just like you, my business has been impacted by COVID-19 and I’ve now had to shut my doors with the exception of emergency callouts. I’m sure you’re the same and are now wondering what the next few weeks and months will bring.

The main issue for us now is a stark one: How will we pay our wages and bills, and what will be the knock-on impact on ourselves, our family and our health?

The UK Government has already made financial provision for employees, and also offered support for the self-employed, who obviously make up a significant portion of our membership. I only hope these measures are meaningful and help those running their own business, as well as supporting the human welfare issues we’re all now up against.

I want all our Members to know that, even though the offices themselves are closed, SELECT is open as normal to help and assist you through this difficult time. Your Member Representatives, Technical Advisers and Employment Affairs experts are working around the clock to help bring you advice and support, so please contact them in all the usual ways – even if it’s just to put your mind at rest or to hear a friendly voice the other end of a phone .

We’re all in this together and must support each other so when we come out the other side, in whatever form that may be, we’re prepared and ready to pick up the pieces. The country will have to recover and I can guarantee that a crucial part of that will involve electricians and the large and small businesses that are the backbone of our economy.

To help us all work together and support our fellow professionals, myself (Kevin Griffin) and other Central Board members will soon be giving you a call to see how you’re coping and hopefully develop a forum to assist each other during the coming months.

Wherever you are, and however you’re faring during this crisis, I wish every Member good health. Over the coming weeks and months, please be rest assured that SELECT and its excellent staff are doing everything they can to help.

Stay safe,

Kevin Griffin, President, SELECT