Member update from Managing Director Alan Wilson

Dear Member,

I thought that you may find it helpful if I update you on the work SELECT has been undertaking in the last few weeks, as we approach the third week of this extraordinary crisis.


SELECT advice update

We have an update on our dedicated web hub on a daily basis with information on issues affecting Members. Our employment information and advice service has been especially busy and the guides we produced to assist Members undertaking emergency repair and maintenance in domestic properties have also been very popular. Please check our news updates on a regular basis to make sure that you are aware of the latest position on these and other issues.


Contacting SELECT

Our switchboard remains open, albeit remotelyand you can either email or call the office if you have any questions. We have produced a contact list to assist and you can see this hereLike many Members, SELECT has now furloughed a number of its staff, but this will not mean a disruption to our services.


Contact with Members

The SELECT President, Kevin Griffin, has asked members of our Central Board to contact every Member business to see if there is anything else we can do to assist. These calls will continue in the next few weeks and we will bring you an update soon.


Online training

We have now launched a range of dedicated online training courses to help Members expand and update their skills and stay compliant during the current lockdown. Working in-house and in partnership with recognised training providers, topics range from the 18th Edition and Scottish Building Standards to health and safety and a range of SVQ options. Discounted courses are also being offered exclusively for SELECT Members. Find out more here.


Industry survey

A survey has been launched in conjunction with a number of other trade and professional bodies. You can access it here. Getting feedback on the issues currently affecting you is very important to us.


Industry Forum

SELECT was instrumental in setting up the Construction Industry Coronavirus Forum. This body has been the voice of the industry to a whole host of influential bodies, including the Scottish Government. We have already had a meeting with Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Fair Work, and the Housing Minister, Kevin Stewart, with whom we raised a number of concerns. We are in regular contact with their officials to make them aware of ongoing issues. The Forum has also established a number of sub-groups which are meeting regularly to update each other and deal with employment, commercial, health and safety and apprentice issues. We have also established a group to look at ways in which the industry can emerge from the current crisis with some workload to look forward to in the public and private sectors, as well as in the domestic market. We already have a number of ideas we are working on which we hope will help businesses of all sizes as we come out of this dreadful situation.


Please be assured that SELECT is doing whatever it can to advise, assist and guide Members at this time.

Stay safe,

Alan Wilson, Managing Director, SELECT